Live Projects
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Java Web Applications Project List – 2022
Sr.No | Project Title |
1 | College Events Management System |
2 | Disaster information Management system |
3 | Configurable employee hiring documentation configuration |
4 | Student scholarship information system |
5 | Student report management system |
6 | Patient health card providing system |
7 | Search query based on image video and text |
8 | Dairy Mart management system |
9 | Tailor Management system |
10 | Farmers Medium of Communication for support price of Crops |
11 | college admission system |
12 | Three layer login security for web application |
113 | Student Management System |
14 | Cab booking system |
151 | Client server auction system |
16 | Faculty Availability Status In An University |
17 | Image Encryption based Login system |
18 | NYKS scheme management system |
19 | Online tutor booking system |
20 |
| visitors log for colleges python arifact online selling website java HR management for Employee accepting system Online disaster management system java college Events handling system java E health card information system java Online scholorship management system java Dair mart management system java Authentication of graphical password college administration system java |